Who Are We?

A brief history


Meet the Founder

Eca Ita Sihriwayati

Eca has dedicated almost 13 years of her professional life to the HR field. She has gained extensive experience in various industries, including hospitality, retail, travel, and FinTech startups. This diverse background has provided her with a broad perspective and a deep understanding of different organizational dynamics.

Eca firmly believes that employees are not merely resources but valuable assets for any company. She understands that by effectively collaborating with the talents and business owners can achieve accelerated growth and success. 

Driven by her passion for HR and her desire to make a positive impact, Eca is dedicated to creating a thriving work environment that fosters growth, teamwork, and employee well-being. She aims to provide valuable HR solutions that align with business goals and drive long-term success through Indonesia HCA.

Where we are today